Planning the year with Arigamix reports, charts and overview

Planning the year with Arigamix reports, charts and overview

ARIGAMIX document management system is a platform where customised reports can be created for complex systems for organisation’s specific needs. But it also comes with basic ready to use interactive master-detail reports and charts that any size of company can benefit from. Reporting is a basic tool for strategic, financial and operations management. 

Next to the Reports & Charts module, reporting is possible in many ways. By using full-text-search feature and exporting search results or by exporting lists of cards (documents, contracts, invoices, clients, products) into .csv and .xls format, etc. 

Lists of data from Arigamix can simply be exported by the user from the user’s desktop current view and by the administrator from his own workspace current view. 

Ready-to-use reports:

  1. Current tasks in operation: the department overview, employees view and newly added
  2. Finished tasks: by department, by employee, list of finished tasks
  3. Documents: report of the amount of documents by type: incoming invoice, outgoing invoice, contract, directive, document.  

Interactive charts offer different visuals of interactive infographic reports (diagrams) and also support graphs. The module offers display charts of different views. The selected chart/sector column shows drilled down data in the linked view.

Ready-to-use charts:

  1. Overdue tasks pie chart: by department 
  2. Current tasks horizontal bar charts: new overdue tasks, new overdue – average delay period, overdue tasks that are in progress and average overdue of tasks that are in progress. 
  3. Paid and unpaid invoices pie chart: issued invoices that were paid, issued and not paid, issued invoices unpaid and overdue.
  4. Payment by customer vertical bar chart: total amount of paid invoices by customer listed from highest to lowest.

The tags

Another neat feature for reporting is getting the list of documents by double-clicking the Tag. The colorful label. Naming the tag is optional for the user, but for example at the end of year, user can list all the documents with the tag “urgent” and remove the label from executed projects which are not urgent anymore. 

If the Tag was named by end date, like “to do by 31st December”, the user has a chance to finish the task until end of the fiscal period. 

Global search & using filters

After typing search parameter (keyword) in full-text-search, Arigamix offers an overview of the searched parameter inside the texts of documents and registration card attributes. 

User has further abilities to filter the search results by any field of the card like: 

  • Partner (who was the client)
  • Type of the document (for ex. contract, incoming invoice, order, document…)
  • Created (the date of creation less than current date)
  • Document date 
  • Author
  • Multiple search parameters for running in full-text-search (partner, date, type)

The search results can be named as a certain query and saved as a newly created folder with the query name. Folder is seen on the tree of folders on the left side for easy access and processing without having to run the same search multiple times if processing takes longer than a day of work. 

Even smallest organisations are set up for success with smart use of ready-to-use report features that Arigamix offers and with clever planning by using data at their disposal.

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